Owl day

When I visited Eldernell in January 2022, I left with a very good impression of the place. 4 cranes were seen very well, and I had very nice views of short-eared owls, both perching and in-flight. When 2023 arrived, I decided I wanted to try visiting again. Especially after a few birds were discovered there which I found very exciting. Tawny owls, and long-eared owls. In 2022, I went to Deeping Lakes to see them, and failed completely. No matter where, or how hard I looked, they were just not there. 

When I arrived to Eldernell, the first thing I noticed was how many cars were parked there. There definitely wasn't anywhere near as much cars last year here. I knew exactly why, but I was still surprised. Although dragging my bike around the embankment proved a challenge, I managed to get to the area where long-eared owls were last seen and where a small crowd had formed. And, indeed, one of them was right there. It had stuffed itself deep into a bush. 

As I observed the bird and took photos, someone found another bird, which was so much better visible. I checked it out from a safe distance to avoid disturbing it, but could not see it anywhere. In order to see it, I realised, I had to stand in a very specific place, but if I moved even half a meter to the side, it was gone from view. I found it soon after, and was stunned by how close and how visible the owl was. Visible through the bushes, in a perfect hiding spot, was the most beautiful owl I have ever seen. Even prettier than a barn owl. It looked identical to the eagle-owl I saw in December in Spain, except much smaller. I tried taking photos, but realised I could not get it in my screen! By then, a small crowd had formed, and I, realising I was effectively monopolising the view, tried to be as careful and as quick as I could. Eventually I managed to do what I came here for. 

A beautiful long-eared owl, one eye half-open, looking completely relaxed, not disturbed or anything. When I saw it, there weren't much people with me, but when I was done and had alerted others to something in the bush, a massive crowd formed. That definitely disturbed the bird. I did not approach that long-eared owl again for a long time after the crowd had dispersed, and was relieved to see it was looking normal again. Except it had shoved itself much further back into the bush. I assumed, because of the crowd. 

When I was done, I headed west to see the tawny owl. Finding that one was easy and, approaching the river and still staying a large distance away, I got some very good photos of the owl. This is the first time I have seen an adult (I have seen young birds in 2020). In fact, it was the first time I saw long-eared owl adults as well, having seen juveniles in 2018. 

Then, I had nice, but distant views of cranes on the other side of the washland. And a group of whooper swans flew overhead. I next decided to try and see any short-eared owls, but could not find any owls anywhere. Some other people were looking for it as well. Eventually I did manage to find a short-eared owl, which had shoved itself deep into a bush. It was really well visible through the branches, and as I observed it, someone else saw a second owl sitting right next to the first one. And then someone else noticed a third short-eared owl in that bush as well! Although there were a lot of branches in the owl's facial disk, these are currently the best photos I have of the owl. Better than in 2022. 

Having satisfied myself with the owl, I noticed a crowd was looking at something in the washland. I approached, and saw a hen harrier male hunting the washland. I got as close as possible to the washland, but the bird was very far away and I got distant views only. Until it turned, and flew straight at me. When it finally banked to the side, it was very close. This was the closest I have ever seen a hen harrier, surpassing, at last, the amazing views I got of a ringtail in 2019. And it was a male. These are such stunning, beautiful birds, and I got some really remarkable views of it. Although still nowhere as close as the Montagu's harrier photos I took last April, it is getting there, slowly. 

After that, I left soon after. There was a merlin out on the washland today as well, but I had difficulty taking photos of it, as usual. The blurry El Hondo image will have to do for now. 


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